- I don’t know whether your tears could water your dream, but what I’m clear your pain has already sabotaged undamped ardor of life. 时间的信箱里,往日没有留言,我要写一封秋日的信笺,寄给明天。
- I don't know whether your frail tears could water your dream, but what I'm clear your pain has already sabotaged undamped ardor of life. 我不知道脆弱的泪水是否能灌溉你的梦想,我只知道你的忧伤已破坏了生命的奔放。
- undamped ardor. 四处飘散的气味
- proceed with undamped ardor 热情奔放地前进
- She displayed great ardor for art. 她对艺术表现出极大的热心。
- Burning intensity of feeling; ardor. 热情感情剧烈的燃烧; 热情
- He took up his pursuit with ardor. 他满腔热忱地从事工作。
- He shows great ardor, ardour for fame. 他对名誉篌表示出热切的渴。
- This may be damped or undamped forced notion. 它可以是阻尼强迫运动或非阻尼强迫运动。
- He shows great ardor for fame [victory]. 他对名誉[胜利]表示出热切的渴望。
- They evoke no ardor in the male breast. 它激不起男人胸中的热情。
- Come to me, you, who desire me with ardor. 到我这里来,你们那些以热情渴求我的。
- Her ardor is only on the surface. 她的热情只是表面上的。
- He shows great ardor,ardour for fame. 他对名誉篌表示出热切的渴。
- They were imbued with a revolutionary ardor. 他们满怀革命的激情。
- I appreciate your ardor over this matter. 我很感谢你对此事的热忱.
- Yet the ardor for inflation never dies. 然而,人们对通货膨胀的热情从未消退过。
- His political ardor led him into many arguments. 他的政治狂热使他多次卷入争论中。
- His ardor was undamped. 他的热心并未挫减。
- It has not cooled his ardor in the cause of the people. 这并未使他献身于人民的事业的热忱冷却下来。